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In It With You

Feb 25, 2021

Because before we move forward, we need to look back and gain insight. In today's episode we'll briefly reflect on six areas for progress. Join me?

Free printable Pdf guide over at:

Feb 18, 2021

Sharing a bit of my current season + talking about the fitness cliff and why I don't want you to jump. 

Let's do this better. 

Feb 15, 2021

Topical teaching on OBEDIENCE

Feb 11, 2021

Somewhat vulnerable glimpse into what the Lord is doing (and has been doing for years) in my heart regarding social media. 
I know this may not be received well. I know it may not even be understood, but I also know that I'm called to say it. 

I'd love to hear from you. How do YOU keep social media in it's proper...